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“I write about my work as an executive search consultant and a leadership coach.
I write about my own experience of trying to live a mindful life. I write about ontological and somatic coaching. And I write about the things I learn from the people around me.
A forgotten fundamental skill in leadership
As we have the power to influence others, it is our responsability to increase our capacity to feel inner peace and connection
22 janv. 2023
Trouver une copine en 2023 - la force d'une déclaration.
Je réalise à quel point on peut construire un avenir proche de celui que l’on désire à partir d’une simple déclaration d’intention.
22 août 2022
Êtes-vous réellement présent ?
Pour accroître la présence en entreprise, il faut repenser radicalement la façon de le former nos leaders.
2 août 2022
Clarity is not a mental process
I have been struggling with a lack of clarity the last months. That’s why I stopped writing. I write when I have enough clarity about...
2 août 2022
Transforming conflict into unity
I was in a conversation a month ago with Alain (not his real name), the chief IT officer of a large online retailer . Alain came to me...
2 août 2022
La liberté ultime, c’est celle de nos automatismes !
Pour un entrepreneur, être libre c’est avant tout se libérer de ses automatismes afin d’être aussi clair et impactant sous pression que...
30 juil. 2021
A forgotten fundamental skill in leadership
Every morning, my 17 year-old daughter Julie and I walk to school together. We share our experiences from the day before, whether...
30 mai 2021
Congratulations! Now practice
The performance gap is the disparity between what we aspire to be or do as a leader and what we actually do in daily life.
25 déc. 2020
And so this is Christmas
In 2021, good leaders will be remembered for their ability to reshape collective moods. Where to start? Be the change.
10 nov. 2020
How Leaders Build Powerful Declarations Through Connection
Tapping into our feelings to create a powerful declaration can lead to big outcomes in achieving our vision, no matter who we are.
18 juin 2020
Not guilty
There is a recurrent topic coming back during executive coaching conversations lately. And this topic is LOVE.
19 mars 2020
How to become a servant leader
I was at Casa Ferrero last week for a conversation with one of their senior leaders about purposeful leadership in difficult time.
13 nov. 2019
Five Key Ideas Regarding Embodied Leadership
My five key ideas which provide the foundation of my work as an executive coach.
12 nov. 2019
A practical approach for more authentic leadership in the corporate world
It is often the physical experience of vulnerability that makes it unbearable.
31 juil. 2019
Want to find the true nature of your leadership? Attend a zen meditation retreat
There are a very pragmatic ways to become an exemplary leader
18 avr. 2019
How to recruit High-impact Leaders?
I share five characteristics which are foundational of an examplary leadership and tips to assess them during interviews
6 mars 2019
Exemplary leadership remains a warrior journey, year after year…
We are ‘off-centre’ when our leadership behaviours are not aligned with what and who we care about. And this impacts our behaviours
6 mars 2019
We can all recognize a true leader
To increase performance, it’s vital to cultivate a certain way of being under pressure.
3 avr. 2018
When do Senior Executives use coaching?
The biggest added-value I see in Leadership Coaching is higher performance and inner peace through self-mastery
10 janv. 2018
My resolution for 2018
Practices and committed listeners are key for reaching your commitment. The first ones will help you embody the quality...
6 juin 2017
The art of deep listening
Would you trust an executive coach or a recruiter who struggles to really listen to you?
15 mars 2017
Are you present?
What is “presence”, and how can it put you in touch with your leadership potential?
17 nov. 2016
Confessions of a naked coach
My web agency challenged me to start promoting my own name instead of my company's name.
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